• Avoid Kidney Dialysis with Homeopathy and Diet

    The kidneys are important organ of excretion in the body. They are as important to the water metabolism as the colon is to food. Just as wrong eating habits damage the stomach and Gastro Intestinal Tract, same way improper liquid intake damage the renal system and the urinary tract.
    kidneys get damaged by:-

    1. High blood pressure
    2. Diabetes
    3. Drinking too much or too less water intake 
    4. Consumption of alcohol
    5. Increased sexual activity
    6. Over use of antibiotics 
    7. Not heeding the urge to urination
    8. Fear and fright 

    Uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure are the major reason behind renal Failure. Diabetic Nephropathy is a condition where kidney excrete more proteins, and leading to high Urea, Creatinine and potassium levels there is a risk of electrolyte imbalance. As the toxins level are raised regular dialysis is required. Dialysis is a process of filtration, that filter the blood through machine.
    There are many reasons for toxins accumulate in kidneys and urinary tract, specially when the kidneys are not filtering the blood properly. Patient complains of lower back pain, sciatic pain, difficult or painful urination, urinary tract infections, swollen prostate or kidney stones.
    One should follow proper diet to avoid further complications arising from the kidney disease. One should mainly lower the sodium, fluids and protein intake.
    High Blood Sugar and High B.P are the major causative factor for Renal disease. Hence for maintaining good kidney health, Blood glucose levels and blood pressure must remain in normal range.
    Unhealthy Kidneys are not capable of removing salt and water, hence it is advised to consume in controlled quantities. 
    • Lower Sodium Intake: Avoid intake of salt in your food. High intake of sodium can elevate blood pressure, along with risk of heart failure and pulmonary oedema. Have a very low salt diet. Avoid packed or processed foods including chips, pickles, cheese etc which have high salt content. 

    • Lower Potassium Intake: Few patient with renal disease need to decrease their potassium intake. Potassium is found in many fruits and vegetables. In poor function of the kidneys, it fails to remove the excess potassium from the blood. A high level of potassium may cause muscular weakness there by affecting the normal rhythm of heart. Foods rich in potassium are Celery root, Mushrooms, Greens, Spinach, Garlic, Avocado, Wheat germ, Almond, Raisin, Sunflower seed, Parsley, Radish, Lettuce, Cabbage, Bananas, Water melon, Dandelion root, Citrus fruits, Apricots, Dates, Wheat bran, Soybean, Tomato, Peas, Beans, Cucumber, Dried figs, 
    • Lower Liquid Intake: Restrict your fluid or water intake to 1.5 litres in 24hours. Patient who are not diabetic can take coconut water and buttermilk. All liquid must be under one and half litre per day. 

    • Limit Protein Intake: Protein plays an important role in sustaining good energy levels in our body. A healthy functioning kidney work to separates protein from the wastes and there after excretes this waste from blood. But impaired renal function leads to protein loss due to excretion of excess protein. So as to avoid excess work pressure on kidney, protein intake must be limited. Kindly note total protein elimination from the diet is strongly not advisable. The quantity of protein intake is calculated on the basis of blood urea and creatinine level. Usually we recommended 45-60 gm of protein intake.

    • Lower Cholesterol Intake: Intake of high fat substances or fried food items may increase the levels of cholesterol. Even if it is homemade, it is not advisable to have high fat food. Increase in cholesterol level in blood can cause kidney damage or failure. Use vegetable oils like safflower oil, olive oil for cooking which are the safest and healthiest choices.

    • Avoid Smoking: Smoking can complicate the Renal disease further. 

    • Limit Phosphorous Intake: Avoid intake of dairy products such as butter, cheese, ice creams etc. Avoid areated and non areated drinks like Pepsi, coca- cola, alcoholic drinks etc. also avoid beans, nuts and peas. Excess amount of phosphorous leads to decalcification or osteoporosis. 

    How To Avoid Dialysis 
    1. Exercise or have a brisk walk regularly. For diabetic patients, it is more advisable to walk in the evening around 45 minutes.
    2. Keep your blood sugar and blood pressure under control. Also maintain normal cholesterol levels. Check it every 3 to 6 months.
    3. Always have a healthy and balanced diet. Have low salt diet. Avoid eating outside, because the ones prepared outside, sometimes add soda to cook soon or it may be unhygienic and the oil used may not be suitable for you. So, always prefer home-made food.
    4. Have a low-salt, low-protein, low-fat and high fruit and vegetable diet.
    5. Have at least two to three cups of boiled or steamed vegetables per day.
    6. Eat fiber rich foods like whole grain bread and cereals. Eat frequent small meals.
    7. Avoid processed foods like sauces, pickles etc.
    8. Check the labels for added salt. Drink warm and filtered water.
    9. Avoid food made by using baking powder like cakes, biscuits etc.
    10. Avoid legumes, milk and dairy products, mainly cheese. Control intake of non- veg including meat and fish. Consume skimmed milk insted of full cream milk. 
    11. Get your renal function tested once in a year and if you are already suffering from renal failure, then perform KFT every 2 week.
    12. Avoid smoking and alcohol.
    13. Avoid suppression of natural urges- passing or urine or stool or sleep.
    14. Maintain proper weight according to your age and height. low-fat diet and regular exercise also will lower your risk of heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease.
    15. Avoid drugs such as NSAID’s (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or even the drug to lower uric acid called Zyloric also causes Renal Failure.

    Prevention Of Kidney Disease 
    • Keep good care of the underlying disease - blood pressure or diabetes
    • Stress is also leading cause of increased urea and creatinine. It aggravates all the diseases. It hampers the sugar control. It does not allow the system to take control of Blood pressure and other underlying diseases. Therefore the levels of urea and creatinine increase.

    How to Avoid Dialysis using Homeopathic Medicine

    Homeopathy is a traditional healthcare system of India and there are many homeopathic medicine explained in material medica to treat kidney failure. Yes, there are possibilities to avoid dialysis if a proper homeopathic treatment and regimen is followed. Homeopathic medicine can be successfully used to reduce the blood creatinine and urea levels. These homeopathic medicine not only help the body to get rid of toxins but also reduce the burden on the kidneys and don’t disturb the electrolytes especially the potassium level which is very important to maintain in a renal failure patient. The homeopathy medicine like apis, terebinthina, cantharis, Berberis vul, Phyllanthus niruri, Cichorium Intybus, Boerhavia diffusa, Berginea linguilata, etc help to reduce the blood creatinine and urea levels, and improve hemoglobin levels, thereby help’s to avoid dialysis. 
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